The Dark-eyed Junco have mainly disappeared as the weather gets warmer. As usual, they miss the best months of the year. The weather looks good today so I'll probably spend some time outside to think a bit more about where I might want to move plants this year. As the frost and snow start to disappear it's always exciting to see what kinds of seeds have been moved around with the water, weather, and critters over the past few months. We'll see what begins to pop up next week.
The squirrels were really at it this year so I'm excited to see what might emerge in the spring. I left some nuts ****out to get them to stay around a bit longer before they head back to the park.
I've already begun to see little sprouts coming around in areas that I haven't planned anything yet. I'll give it some time to see what they end up being, but I think this year I'll let things move around a little bit on their own. Clarence next door might get a bit upset as I know he's a stickler for dandelions but I'll let it be. Last year they did ask me to prune back my sumac quite a bit, but I guess that's understandable. Maybe I'll send him some rudbeckia cuttings this year as a peace offering.
The earth has really started to warm up a bit again. Changing from working in the morning to the night really feels like an entirely different experience. The dirt emits an entirely different mood based on its temperature. It chills my body, letting my muscles relax and become aware that they exist as something more than tension. The dirt has a direct connection to my nervous system in these moments. What does it try to tell me?
I moved through some of the leaves I had left out in the garden over winter. I decided to leave some of them for composting.
Two deliveries came today. My friend from the park dropped off some marigolds. I'll find a spot for them by my tomato plants; they'll help keep some of the tomatoes safe.
I also got one of those regular junk mail-esque devices for some home remodeling software called Zation. It was a bit of a slow day, and it said I would get a couple free NFTs for doing a scan of my home, so I opened it up and threw it on the table. I'll just cancel the subscription tomorrow once it's done uploading to the home... of course after I confirm the NFT transaction.
So, the past few days have taken a strange turn. Usually when bugs and viruses get into the home like this they flush themselves out after a few hours of data mining or hashing, but this virus seems to have found itself a home. They've been messing around with the fridge, suggesting that I buy all sorts of different items, and playing music from the 20s that I don't recognize. The funniest thing is that it's been playing with my cat by moving it's toy around during the day.
Clarence came by today to tell me about some of the new arrangements he's made in his garden. We're friends, but sometimes I truly feel like we are two old men stuck in our ways. I know he looks down on the way that I let my garden move itself. I could be bitter about that, but I just really hope he can get a glimpse of the joys I get from this garden. He'd be a much less sour man.
Well it looks like my journal is turning into more than just one about my outside garden. I've "made contact" with the virus. It's actually pretty hilarious how far this has gone. I'm not much of a techy person and I always thought communicating with robots would be hard, but there I was just chatting with it on a notepad. I would write some things and it would answer.
It's kind of a lazy bug though since they respond so randomly. Like, what else is it doing??
Zane (what I'm calling the bug now) and I have been having some conversations about my garden since they can just easily read through my journals as I type (It's made comments). There is this miscommunication on how I garden compared to how Zane thinks I should be gardening.
We've been texting about the feeling of the soil with it's dry and light top contrasting with the damp, cold layers beneath it. It's been an awkward experience. I know that they reads my words, but I cannot begin to understand what it actually comes to know. How does it really know what I'm talking about? It connects language based off of previous experience, but does it know my experience that I connect with my own language?